
Choose a service to get started.

Home Improvement Projects & Handyman Services

From $164

From $198

From $190

From $232

From $190

From $195

Home Modifications


Home Modification
Grab Bars & Accessories
Walk-In Showers
Transition Tub

Home Modifications Services

ADA-Compliant Accessibility Solutions Fit to Your Needs


Mobility Ramps
Accessibility Lifts
Bathroom Accessibility Remodeling
Other Home Modifications

TV and Electronics


Hiding TV Wires
TV Wall Mount Installation


Soundbar Installation
TV Mounting


TV Installation
Home Theater AV Setup



Desk Assembly
Grill Assembly
Bed Assembly


Dresser Assembly
Outdoor Furniture Assembly
Office Furniture Assembly


Exercise Equipment Assembly
Furniture Assembly

General Handyman


Air Conditioner Uninstall
Handy Helper
Interior Painting
Handyman Services


General Handyman
Locks Installation
HangingAir Conditioner Installation Pictures & Shelves


Carpentry & Repairs
Hemlock Hardware: Handyman
Knobs Installation
Handyman Service



Drain Repair
Sink Replacement
Unclog Toilet
Plumbing Service


Faucet Installation
Toilet Repair
Faucet Replacement


Faucet Repair
Toilet Replacement
Toilet Trouble



Ceiling & Bath Fans
Outlet Installation


Garbage Disposal
Light Fixtures


Light Switch Installation
Electrical Service



Baseboard Painting
Doorframe Painting
Interior Painting


Crown Molding Painting
House Painting
Bedroom Painting


Door Painting
Wall Painting
Accent Wall Painting

Smart Home


Doorbell / Camera Replace
Exchange Smart Home
Exchange Video Doorbell
Smart Thermostat Installation
Smart Device Installation


Doorbell / Camera Install
Exchange Smart Lock Istal
Wi-Fi Router Setup
Partner Smart Home InstallationPartner Smart Home Installation


Exchange Smart Thermostat
Smart Home Installation
Smart Security Cam Installation
Video Doorbell Installation
Smart Home Hub Setup

Window Treatments


Window Blind Installation
Window Drapery Installation


Window Curtain Installation
Window Shade Installation


Window Treatments

Home Improvement Projects

Fence Installation
Front Yard Landscaping
Garage Door Installation Services
Garage Door Opener Repair
Garage Door Repair Services
Gas Piping Installation
Grout Repair
Gutter Cleaning Service
Gutter Installation
Holiday Lighting Help
Home Inspection
Home Organization Service
Home Theater Installation
Install Asphalt Shingle Roofing
Installing Central A/C
Installing Vinyl Siding
Installing Wood Flooring
Interior Decorating Services
Interior Door Installation
Interlocking Pavers For Patios Installation
Kitchen Remodeling
Laminate Wood or Stone Flooring Installation
Landscape Designer
Lawn Fertilizing Services

Major Home Renovations
Mold Inspection
Mold Removal
Patio Installation
Pest Control
Pool Remodeling
Power Washing
Repair Asphalt Shingle Roofing
Rodent Control
Shower Door Installation
Shrub Removal
Sprinkler Repair Services
Sunroom Addition
Swimming Pool Cleaning
Tile Roofing Installation
Tree Removal
Tree Trimming
Wall Repairs
Water Heater Installation
Water Heater Repair
Water Treatment System Installation
Window Glass Installation
Wood Flooring Repair

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